Program Profile of the Month: Chula Vista Public Library Adult Services

Chula Vista Public Library Adult Literacy Services:

Lupita and Fred have been working together at the Chula Vista Library for more than 10 years!  Fred is a retired engineer and has lived in San Diego since 1966.  He says that, “I’ve been doing this for umpteen years.”  Lupita likes that she can ask questions again and again and that Fred answers them every time. Fred says, “That’s how you learn.”  Lupita now feels more comfortable going out with her increased English skills.

Lupita shared that, “He helped me finish my GED, my high school diploma.” Lupita’s current goal is to to earn her Child Development Degree in order to become a preschool teacher.

The Chula Vista Literacy Team is the award-winning adult literacy program of the Chula Vista Public Library.  Individuals that are 18 years and older receive reading and writing instruction from volunteers in the community. 

 What do you want people to know about your program?

Susan Vega, who started as a volunteer in the literacy program in 1995 and is now the librarian at the Chula Vista Public Library, wants people to know that the literacy program is a learner centered program that helps adults succeed in their lives, and gives support to people as they work to reach their goals.  Learners have a variety of goals such as: reading to their grandchildren, filling out a job application, getting a high school diploma, and taking the ASVAB (The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) exam for the military. 

How can people get involved and support the program?

You can volunteer as a tutor!  There is currently a wait list for learners to be paired with a tutor.  Trainings are held once a month, and tutor and learner pairs meet at least once a week. 

 Contact and links for the Chula Vista Public Library Adult Literacy Services:

Susan Vega





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